While a good auto accident attorney can go a long way in protecting you in case of an accident, insurance is critical to protecting yourself. With all of the monthly bills we have to worry about, it’s easy to think that we can cut corners on our auto or motorcycle insurance coverage – especially since insurance is so expensive in Michigan.
However, getting the cheapest insurance possible can set you up for major problems in the future. – especially since motorcycle accidents cause far more severe injuries than car accidents. As any experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will tell you, getting good insurance is an investment that protects you and your family from major medical bills and other out-of-pocket costs.
Motorcycle Insurance is Different in Michigan
While auto insurance in Michigan is No-Fault, insurance for motorcycles is fault-based and can result in you being held liable for both parties, no matter how good your auto accident attorney is. The differences in how motorcycle injuries are handled in court can also be a factor. Fortunately, you can get no-fault motorcycle insurance as an add-on to most plans. This protects you from massive lawsuits that can result from even a minor mistake while driving.
It may be tempting to get a cheaper plan that doesn’t include no-fault coverage but remember: a single accident without adequate insurance coverage can wipe out your savings and put you in debt. Adequate insurance coverage is one way to make your riding a little more worry-free.
Medical Costs
Whether you’re married with kids or enjoying single life, you don’t want to have to put your future plans on hold because of bills resulting from an accident. One study found that motorcycle accidents are ten times more likely to result in severe injuries than car accidents. Severe injuries tend to result in extended hospital stays, and each additional night in a hospital adds up fast.
Even the best helmets and gear can only protect you so much. Since cars are much heavier than motorcycles, a major collision will almost certainly send you to the hospital. Head injuries and broken bones can also keep you out of work for several weeks, making it even more important that your insurance covers as much as possible.
The other party’s medical bills could be added to your total if you don’t have no-fault insurance. Getting motorcycle insurance that completely covers your medical cost could make a significant difference in recovering from your injuries.

Fatal Accidents Can Happen
Even if you wear a helmet and exercise defensive driving methods, anything can happen on the road. Motorcyclists tend to drive more carefully than other drivers, but drivers don’t always watch carefully for motorcyclists. Tragedy can occur in the blink of an eye.
Good insurance policies can cover the cost of funerals and burial expenses. While it’s unpleasant to think about, you don’t want to have to burden your family with additional costs in case of a tragedy. Investing in good motorcycle insurance will give you and your family a little more peace of mind.
Too Many Uninsured Drivers
Because of Michigan’s high car insurance prices, some drivers choose to risk driving without insurance. This puts you at serious risk financially, even if you’re a good driver. Make sure to get insurance that covers you completely, even if the other party in the accident was irresponsible and chose to drive without insurance.
In any accident, an experienced auto accident lawyer will be able to help you sort out the best course of action for getting your expenses covered. To win as much as possible, though, you need a solid motorcycle insurance plan.
Keeping Costs Down
If you’re concerned about the costs of motorcycle insurance, look for ways to get a discount. Consider bundling your motorcycle insurance with the same company that you get your home or auto insurance from. Most insurers will give you a discount.
Keep a good driving record and follow all motorcycle driving laws to avoid higher costs. While speeding down an open road can be fun, it’s not worth the cost of tickets and the resulting increase in your monthly insurance bill!
Even if you can’t get a great discount, solid insurance is essential for your peace of mind. Consider it an investment in your future. The joys of riding will be much richer if you don’t have to worry yourself and your family with the risk of financial problems.