You Can Rely On A Family Law Attorney In Irvine CA

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Law Firm

When a marriage is over, it can be difficult to know who you can rely on. A Family Law Attorney Irvine CA is one person that will offer sound legal advice throughout any family law proceeding. Child custody, child support, divorce and property distribution are all areas this type of attorney can help to protect someone’s legal interests in. Child custody can be one of most heart-wrenching family court matters an individual can go through. Both parents are concerned about the amount of time they will see their children. The couple usually has their own hurt emotions they’re dealing with from the marriage dissolving and don’t want to miss being involved in their children’s lives.

Although the parents cannot live together, the children’s lives should be disrupted as little as possible. A parenting plan must be developed for the custody of the children. Working with a Family Law Attorney Irvine CA will make this process much easier. They will help to draft a plan that takes into account the parents work schedules, abilities to parent and the best interest of the children. Once a plan is written and agreed upon, it cannot be changed without a court order. If there are points that cannot be agreed upon by the parents, the court will intervene and take the course of action they deem fit.

If a parent is in jeopardy of losing contact with their children, they should immediately seek the assistance of The Law Offices of Neil J. Cacali. An attorney can defend their parenting rights in court for a more positive outcome to the case. Child support is another highly contested area for many parents. Child support is calculated using a standardized formula based off of income. This support is to meet the child’s basic needs. Also, the calculation can include other things such as uninsured health care, education, recreational activities, work-related child care and travel. If a parent is not paying child support, it could result in legal enforcement and even jail.

If you’re contemplating a divorce, not receiving child support through an order of court, or having problems with custody or visitation, contact an attorney today.

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