Reasons to See Foot Specialists in Racine WI

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Health, Massage

If a person has foot pain, they should not wait to see local Foot Specialists in Racine WI. In fact, people should see their doctor or podiatrist directly. Although the competence area of the latter is rather limited, it is nevertheless part of the paramedical chain. Unfortunately, most people think that only high-risk diabetics or patients waiting for foot orthotics should seek help from a Podiatrist. However, a podiatrist also has an advisory role in the choice of shoes. They can also prescribe aesthetic products sold in pharmacies.

Most people do not have the nerve or audacity to go to a podiatrist. Problems related to the feet, however, are to be taken seriously. The foot carries the body all day, every day: one should never neglect a pain that could get worse and become disabling. Poor support can be the cause of an imbalance that can generate foot, knee or back pain. These risks are all the more present when one is athletic but also when one ages. So, when should people see their local foot specialists in Racine WI and why?

The podiatrist is a professional dedicated to the care of feet. During a consultation, he or she makes a thorough diagnosis, taking into account all aspects of the patient: their lifestyle, morphology, the causes and mechanisms of their pain, and their surgical and traumatic history. The doctor is able to provide care and follow-up appointments until the problem is solved. They provide pedicure treatments and can, if necessary, fabricate and adjust custom insoles, called foot orthoses, to correct ground support and resolve postural problems.

However, most podiatrists are not authorized to perform surgery. In this case, the doctor should refer the patient to an orthopedic surgeon. When should people consult with this specialist? When people regularly experience foot pain, no matter where it is (toes, heels, ankles, plant and even the back of the foot). Indeed, this pain is frequently the symptom of a defective issue or a pathology (mycosis, corns, bunions, etc.). When knee, hip or back pain is also present, these pains may be caused by a postural imbalance, which then excessively stresses a limb or part of the column. Learn about Great Lakes Foot & Ankle Centers by clicking here.

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