Five Ways That Depression Can Affect You and How You Can Overcome Them

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Health

Whether most people realize it or not, depression can be a debilitating disorder that can leave the sufferer feeling utterly helpless. Depression can have you immobilized to the point where you cannot get out of bed or even eat or drink. Feelings of hopelessness, a lack of energy, and even physical pain can be some of the things that depression sufferers face daily. Here are some suggestions to help you conquer your depression one day at a time.

Drug Therapy

Ketamine treatments in centers in Chicago can help you get back to feeling like the old you. This can be a good option for someone who also has pain affiliated with their depression.

Start a Routine

Because depression can cause you to not want to do much of anything, it is easier to succumb to when you have a looser schedule. By starting a routine, it can help you to get up and get moving regularly.

Work Out

Exercise can help to release endorphins in your body, which are a natural dose of “feel good” emotions. It is said that if a person does this enough, the brain can eventually reprogram itself to be happy.

Change Your Diet

Whether you realize it or not, certain foods can have affect the way you feel. Studies have shown that gut health has a huge effect on the brain, and so by eating better you can literally think and feel better.

Get Proper Rest

While this is easier said than done since depression can make it hard to sleep, not getting proper sleep can make depression even worse. A good way to make sleeping easier is to eliminate non-sleep activities from your bedroom. This means no working in bed and no television.

Getting in the habit of doing these things may be hard at first, however, with patience and persistence you can get there. Ketamine treatments centers in Chicago are always an option as well if the above things do not work for you. However, if you find yourself in a dangerous state of mind, please ask for help from a close friend or call someone.

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