Choosing a Physician Assistant Bachelor Program in Arkansas

by | Mar 18, 2015 | HealthCare

With the medical industry booming, now is the perfect time to earn a degree that will help make a difference in the lives of yourself as well as others. Although there are an endless number of careers to choose from, studies have shown that one of the most rewarding careers is as a physician’s assistant. Another added bonus is that openings for this position are expected to increase more than three times within the next couple of years. In order to take advantage of all of the benefits gained as a physician’s assistant, individuals are encouraged to enroll in a program that will help them earn their’s Bachelor’s degree. With many Physician Assistant Bachelor Programs in Arkansas available to choose from, it is highly recommended that students shop around until they find a campus that offers flexible tuition options, as well as several class schedules to choose from.

When attending one of the many Physician Assistant Bachelor Programs in Arkansas, there are several courses that are required in order to earn a degree. Prior to choosing a program, it is important that students are aware of the different classroom options that are available. The type of classes and the sequence in which they are taught may vary slightly from program to program. However, overall, some of the courses a student can expect to participate in include:

1. Core classes such as English, Math, and Chemistry
2. Professional and behavioral medicines
3. Medical assessment
4. Clinical Medicines 1 and 2, 3 and 4
5. Comprehensive Health History and Physical Diagnosis
6. Emergency Medicine
7. General surgery
8. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology rotation
9. Clinical orthopedic rotation
10. Clinical pediatrics rotation
11. Primary care rotation
12. Senior competencies components

Through schools such as UAMS, students have the flexibility of choosing in-class or online classes for a good majority of the courses. Both atmospheres provide benefits to students. Therefore, it is highly recommended that these advantages be further explored. By choosing a Physician Assistant Bachelor Programs in Arkansas, individuals are taking the first step to securing their future. With many settings requiring the assistance of a physician’s assistant, the employment opportunities are endless. Stop by a campus today and sign up for a program!

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