What Can You Expect When Posting Bail?

by | Jun 16, 2015 | Lawyer

When a person is first arrested, they are processed and placed in jail until a judge sets bail. The bail amount is the amount of cash that will have to be paid to allow the person to be released until their court date. If a bail amount is small enough, the person may be able to post their own cash bail and be released. In some instances, people can have friends or family put up property for their bail.

Often, the bail amount is too high and the arrested individual does not have the option to pay or post property. When this happens, the person may rely on the bonding services provided by Bail Bonding Companies in Clayton County. This allows them to be released within a matter of hours verses having to wait in jail until their trial.

When a bonding company is hired, the arrested person must pay the bondsman to post a bond for bail. The amount needed for the fee is determined by the state. This amount rarely is allowed to be higher than ten percent. Once this fee is paid and the bond paperwork has been filled out and signed, the arrested person will be released from jail.

The bondsman signs the bond for the person to ensure he will show up for all court dates. Should the person become a no-show, the judge will release a bench warrant and require the person be brought in. In most states, the bondsman has the right to use a bounty hunter to bring the person back to stand trial even if they have fled the state or country.

When a person is using a bonding company, they need to make sure they are aware of all of their court dates, so no bench warrants are issued. This will save a lot of aggravation and trouble in the process.
If you are in need of Bail Bonding Companies in Clayton County, visit us website. They will be happy to assist you in being bonded out of jail so you can be with your family and go back to work. Contact them today for help with your bail.

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