Possible Legal Scenarios That Could Occur if You Die Without a Final Will

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Lawyers and Law Firms

Possible Legal Scenarios That Could Occur if You Die Without a Final Will

It is easy to assume that your family and friends will know what your last wishes are after you pass away. You assume that they will divide up your assets and money fairly and that no one will bicker about what to do with your estate.

However, when you do not want to risk even the smallest discourse among your loved ones, you can put your final wishes into writing right now while you are still of sound mind and body. By retaining an estate planning lawyer in Moline, IL, clients can avoid a number of possible legal scenarios that could play out if they die without a will.

State Estate Seizure

If you die without a living will, you could leave your estate vulnerable to being seized by the state. The probate court will have to decide who will get your property and how your money will be divided up among the people who lay claim to your estate.

The judge assigned to your probate case may not follow what you would have wanted. In fact, he or she could give everything to one person rather than to all of the people you would have liked to name as your heirs.

When you hire an estate planning lawyer in Moline, IL, judges will abide by your decision. Your lawyer will make sure that your will is executed according to your wishes.

Disputes Over Your Funeral

If you die without a will, you could also invite quarreling among your relatives as they plan your funeral. You can dispel any disagreements by putting your funeral plans in your will. You can also leave money in your estate to cover the expenses so that your family is relieved of this financial burden.

Estate planning helps you avoid scenarios that could arise after you die. You put your final wishes into writing.

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