Is It Worth the Money to Hire One of the Upholstery Cleaning Services in Ft. Lauderdale, FL?

by | Feb 5, 2016 | Cleaning Service

The homeowner understands that upholstered furniture needs to be cleaned from time to time, just like everything else in the house. What many people do not understand is that products bought in supermarkets and similar venues will only do so much good. Here are a few of the reasons why homeowners should hire Upholstery Cleaning Services in Ft. Lauderdale FL, at least once a year to give their furnishings a thorough cleaning.

Protecting the Upholstery

Any of the Upholstery Cleaning Services in Ft. Lauderdale FL will have professionals who know exactly what type of cleaning agent would work best for a given type of upholstery. Many people do not realize that cleaning agents that work fine for natural fibers will not necessarily be right for upholstery made with synthetic fibers. In order to truly get rid of any dirt or grime that is found deep in the weave, it makes sense to use the right cleaning product. Doing so gets rid of any residue that will cause the fibers to break down over time and extend the life of the upholstery.

What About Underneath?

Just as oils and other residues can be found in the upholstery, the same contaminants can seep into the padding underneath. The great thing about hiring a professional to clean the upholstery is that it is possible to get rid of a lot of the underlying residue. Thanks to the types of cleaning equipment used, the contaminants are pulled through the upholstery and captured right along with any residue found in the upholstery fibers. The result is that little to nothing is left that could trigger an asthma attack or some other kind of respiratory distress.

Improving the Scent

Upholstered pieces that are not cleaned properly will take on a distinct odor over time. That scent is due to the contaminants trapped in the material. When a professional cleans the upholstery, the elements causing the smell are removed. All that is left is a fresh, clean scent that helps make the room more inviting.

For anyone who can’t remember when the upholstered furniture was last cleaned, call today and schedule an appointment. With over 25 years of experience, the team will know exactly what type of cleaning products to use and what precautions to take with any type of upholstery.

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