Why Choose a Manual Transmission?

by | Aug 5, 2015 | Automotive

When it comes to vehicles, transmission can mean a lot. It can mean the difference between high performance and below-the-line output, and it’s exactly why you need to understand the difference between automatic and manual transmissions. Oftentimes people get caught up in the difference between them rather than finding a transmission that works best for them on an individual basis.

For some, they prefer one type of transmission because it’s easy to use, another may prefer one transmission type due to flexibility, and most people simply don’t care about transmissions at all. One of the most popular transmissions types is the manual transmission. It’s growing popularity amongst drivers young and old makes it one of the most popular types to choose from, but if you’re still on the fence as far as whether or not you choose that transmission type, here is a bit more information to keep in mind.

More Freedom

With a manual transmission, you have greater freedom over how you want to drive. Rather than having to drive a specific speed the entire time a manual transmission allows you to customize how the car performs on the road. Rather than going a lot faster than you need, a manual option gives the driver the freedom to stay a specific speed and horsepower without using more than needed. This is ideal for drivers that want to reduce the amount of gas they’re burning while on the road. Oftentimes studies have shown that manuals are actually more efficient on gas because savvy drivers will maximize their car’s power only when they need it. In an automatic transmission vehicle, it’s not as easy to manipulate just how fast you accelerate. This leads to great issues down the road, especially if you’re concerned with gas mileage and those types of issues.

Manual driving options ultimately give you greater control over how your vehicle performs. This is ideal for the user that is all about maximizing performance while controlling exactly how their vehicle moves on the road.

Greater Challenge

Another reason manual vehicles are popular is the challenge they provide to new and older drivers alike. When you drive an automatic car, it’s like driving on easy mode. You don’t have to manipulate the gear shifter or clutch at the right time. All you have to do is turn the ignition and start driving. In a manual vehicle, you feel as if you’re truly in control of the entire vehicle. You can control how fast it accelerates, you can manipulate the horsepower, and you feel as if you’re one with the vehicle. This is an exhilarating feeling as a driver, and once you learn how to do it, you’ll never want to go back to an automatic vehicle. To know more about manual transmissions visit Trans Works Transmission LLC. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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